Wednesday, July 25, 2007

nothing yet

Just a quick post to let everyone know that there is no news yet. Aidan is now 3 days overdue. The waiting is driving me a little crazy. Of course I am going through the natural anxiety of "I hope she doesn't change her mind". Clinton left yesterday to get some work done so he can return Sunday night after his event is over. I have an appointment tomorrow to have someone inspect our carseat to ensure it is installed correctly and then I pick my mom up from the airport. Things will be much better once she is here ( moms always make things better!) As always I will continue to trust in God and know that everything will work out the way it is meant to be.

Tonight I think I will get started on Aidan's Lifebook. For those of you not familiar with adoption, a Lifebook is a book created for the child. It is written in simple words so the child can read it at a young age. It basically will be all about Aidan with much of it being about his birthmother and how he will come to be with us. This will let him know a little about his "roots" so he does not have to "fantasize" or make things up about where he came from and his birthparents ( as many adopted children do). We will talk about adoption to Aidan from the time he is born, so there is no "big day" when he discovers he is adopted. It will just be a natural part of his life.

Well Clinton took the computer and I am using the one in the business center and my 20 minutes is up. I will post as soon as we hear anything. Please continue to pray for all of us.


Lucinda Naia said...

Still super excited and waiting for great news for you & Clinton! I finally talked with my agency caseworker today about Guatemala. Isn't it amazing how God gives us peace on what we're doing and when we're doing it???

Betsy said...

Oh mercy me! How much LOOOONNNGER?
I'm surprised you haven't tried to pop her yourself!

I'll try to be patient as I not so patiently wait to see pictures of you, C, baby A.