Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Going to Vegas on Saturday ( or before)

I just wanted to report that there is still no action. I looked at Clinton's schedule wrong and he is going to be in Houston tomorrow and Thursday (luckily it is just an overnight trip!) We talked to our attorney today and he said for us to plan on being in Las Vegas for a week. This means we will have a newborn in a hotel room for several days. Our plan is to drive to Vegas Saturday morning ( if she hasn't gone into labor by then).This will give Clinton and I a chance to have a "mini-vacation" in Vegas while it is just the 2 of us and to give us a chance to meet Lisa face to face before the birth. We will be sure to take our computer and camera so we can post pictures.

I think I have just about everything we will need. I purchased a moses basket today. I think I will take that instead of the bassinet for him to sleep in the hotel. Does anyone know of those "must have" items that I will need in the hotel? I plan on taking an electric bottle warmer, bottles, diapering items, bathing items, clothes, baby tylenol, blankets, onesies, boppy pillow etc.. I would love any suggestions, especially from those Guatemamas that I know have spent lots of time in a hotel room with their babes.


Lucinda Naia said...

Still excited for you!

Are you sure you're only in Las Vegas for a week? When my friend adopted domestically from a different state, they had to stay 2-3 weeks for the inter-state compact agreement. Maybe the Nevada court is faster?

Betsy said...

Oh MY! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

What are you bringing specifically. Shoot me an email...
You will need formula, MANY diapers, more clothes than you think you will need as newborns wear a lot in a day, um..what else? Be sure to bring an ear therm. in case he gets sick. Bring a few different brands of diapers as some will fit better than others. This will be important to prevent "blow outs". Plan to buy detergent (dish/clothes) while you are there. Don't forget the bottle brush (and your own toothbrush!)

suzanne said...

Also don't forget the Mylicon, in case he gets gassy. Jacob was so gassy that I could feel his little tummy gurgling, not to mention I could hear it! Sounded like a thunderstorm.
Maybe even bring a bunch of grocery store bags or small garbage bags for all those dirty diapers..they will overflow the hotel garbage can! Burp cloths... Soft little hats to keep his new little head warm in the chilly hotel.. Cotton/thermal receiving blankets, and one big fluffy blankie to cuddle him in.
Ok, is that enough suggestions?? Good luck! So happy for you two!!