Monday, October 15, 2007


Hallelujah! Aidan Kai slept through the night for the first time last night! Woohoo! When I fed him last night around 6:45 ish he cried when I took his bottle away after 3 1/2 ounces. I thought maybe he just needed a burp. When he was still whining around off and on an hour later I decided to give him another 2 1/2 ounces. This did the trick and he drifted right off to sleep until midnight. I then fed him another 4 ounces and didn't hear a peep from him until 6:30! That means mommy got a full 6 and a half hours of straight blissful sleep! Maybe this is a sign that feedings every 2 -3 hours are coming to an end!


Rhonda said...
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Rhonda said...

That is so wonderful. You will feel like a new woman. Happy Dreams.