Saturday, January 20, 2007

How do you sterilize nipples using a coffee pot?

I decided last night to look in other parts of our adoption manual besides the section that I am always turned to titled "creating your dossier". We were instructed not to look at the whole manual immediately as it may seem to overwhelming. I decided last night to look at the section titled "preparing to travel". In it I found a list of items to bring for baby and parents and a list of helpful hints. One of the helpful hints was that you could use the coffee pot in your hotel room to sterilize nipples. Hmmm. ... I began thinking... How in the world would you do that? On second thought I began thinking Hmmmm.... how do you even prepare a bottle? Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot about children in general. After all, I have had many child development classes and many years experience working with kids. I have been reading up on adoption, attachment, etc... However, I know very little about actually taking care of a baby! ( Shhh don't tell our social worker) As an only child I didn't spend much time around babies. I probably have only changed one or two diapers in my lifetime! This thought cracks me up! My only thought is HELP!!! I need some Baby 101 classes or to borrow someones baby pronto! I am sure that I am not the first one in history to experience this. The good news is that we are almost a year away until we receive our bundle of joy, so I have lots of time to practice and prepare. The other good news is that I am a pretty quick learner. I was pretty anal about Annabelle when she was a puppy. When I had a friend babysit her at the age of 12 weeks, I actually had a typed out schedule as to when she got up, playtime, when she was to be walked ,go to bed, etc... So I think I will do o.k. with a baby. I just need to get some of the "mechanics" down. Seriously, I would appreciate it if anyone had any good suggestions of books or reading material. I intend on subscribing to Parents Magazine very soon. Any other suggestions? Please post any good ideas. Thanks!

1 comment:

Candy said...

heres what I did...i took some like one cup vinager and ran it throught the cofee pot with water to sterilize it ( the coffee Pot ) then I just put my nipples in the pot and turned it on...they are pretty small pots so it was kinda a pain....Hugs Candy and Kya Blu