Saturday, January 13, 2007


Yikes! I have a lot of work to do! It all started yesterday when I decided to drop off some of the paper work that we have been collecting for our homestudy agency. To my surprise I found a Mail Boxes Etc... where I thought my homestudy agency would be ( address on all of the paperwork - Please return to....) At this point I began getting a little nervous.Now granted I trust this agency as this is the same agency my principal used when she adopted. I left a message for our social worker letting her know that I was confused about the address. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts our appointment is on the 17th. I just assumed ( silly me) that we would be going to the agency for the meeting ( address listed on all the paperwork). Our social worker just left me a message saying no in fact that she comes to our house for all the visits! My first reaction was YIKES! I have so much work to do! ( as I look around at the laundry and kitchen.)
My impression of this whole homestudy process was that we first met at the agency, I then went to the agency for an interview, Clinton then went to the agency for an interview, and last she came to visit us at our house. WRONG! I am so glad that I decided to drop the paperwork off early and found this little surprise or I would have been in for a big surprise on Wednesday. I just arranged to have our carpet cleaned on Sunday and our cleaners come on Tuesday. Now granted we are not total pigs but it is a little intimidating when one of the people deciding whether or not we will be parents is coming to inspect our home to see if it is suitable! I just feel like first impressions are so important! Now I am even more nervous! I am sure it will all be fine but boy will I be glad when Wednesday evening comes around ( after the visit is over!) I know only a couple have posted on this blog but I have gotten a couple of e-mails saying that people are reading it. I will keep y'all posted on how everything goes!

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