Friday, March 16, 2007

surfing in Costa Rica?

Well its been over a week now and we still have no news. I am really starting to think that this birthmom is not going to work out for us. I called the attorneys office this afternoon just to make sure there was no news. I did find out that the birthmom is reviewing our resume as well as one other. Either she is taking awhile to decide which of us she wants to choose ( which I would think she would want to meet both couples to make her decision) or she is seriously considering raising the child. I know this must be a great time of turmoil for her and my thoughts and prayers are with her. I know in my heart whatever she chooses it will be for the best.

We had our 2nd Pathways class on Tuesday night. It was really good to hear stories about all the birthmoms. Everyone's experience was so different. I shared that my greatest frustration in this whole process is all the uncertainty. Will we be parents by June, September, December, next June? Will I be teaching next year? Can we plan a vacation this summer? It feels like our life is in a holding pattern right now. One of the other couples shared that during the adoption of their first child they would say things like "o.k. if we are not parents by X date then we are going on a surfing trip in Costa Rica." I kind of like that idea. If gives us something to look forward to but it is something that can be easily cancelled if need be. The best part of the class was at the end when I asked to see pictures of the other couples children. They were all so beautiful and it definitely gave me the warm fuzzies.

This journey of adoption is certainly somewhat of a roller coaster ride. It is filled with both highs and lows. I guess all we can do is strap ourselves in tightly and enjoy the ride!

1 comment:

Lucinda Naia said...

Since I used to travel 100% of the time for work, I got used to the same mindset you heard at the Pathways class. I just decided that even though I didn't know where I would be Mon-Fri, I could plan for fun trips, etc. I think that has helped me deal with the uncertainty of adoption. You got a great suggestion and I hope it helps you plan a fabulous vacation getaway before you become parents!