Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy National Adoption Day!

2 posts in one day! Amazing isn't it? But I wanted to make sure that I recognized National Adoption Day. Adoption has so completely changed and enriched our lives. It is such an amazing thing! I truly believe in my heart that no matter if you have bio children, adopt domestically or internationally you always end up the children you are meant to have. God always has a master plan. I feel such a deep bond and connection with Aidan that it makes me tear up just thinking about it. I just can't imagine what our lives would be like without him! He is truly a blessing , gift from God, and an answer to our prayers! I just can't say enough about what an amazing way adoption is to build a family! If any of you out there are reading this blog and are even considering adoption as a way to build a family, I would say GO FOR IT! If you are truly committed to bringing home a child, the circumstances will work themselves out. Sometimes you just have to make the leap and trust that everything will work out. There are so many children out there all over the world that just need a loving home. I myself can not wait to go for baby #2! I just have to be quiet, wait and listen for the right time.

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