Tuesday, June 5, 2007

No news

I just wanted to report that there is no news. I hate the disappointment - again. I copied and mailed out our new and improved resume to our attorney. He should get it in the next day or two. I have also completed an application for Project Cuddle. I can't believe I forgot that I have a friend who is on the board of directors for them! Frank reminded me when I sent my e-mail blast out last week. It is a great organization that works with birthmoms and saves babies ( babies that are "dropped off" at hospitals, fire stations, etc..). They were just feautured on Oprah. The website is www.projectcuddle.org for anyone who is interested in checking it out. I met the director Debbie a few years ago when I attended a fundraiser for them.

In other news- Sunday was our anniversary. I created a pirate themed treasure hunt for Clinton. I left him clues all over our house with little gifts. At the end he found me with candles, chanpagne and a picnic dinner by the outside fireplace by our pool. We then went for a dip in our jacuzzi. It was a very fun evening! I figured I might as well plan the romantic stuff before the kids arrive!

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