Sunday, June 3, 2007

New Resume

We have been contemplating the idea of raising 2 toddlers. I have to admit the more I think about it the more I like it. I mean we would be "insta-family"! I have been reading 2 books this weekend on toddler adoption and understand it is much different than adopting a newborn. Just the fact alone that they are 2 and 3 makes them a special needs adoption. Bonding and attachment can be very difficult but of course varies child to child. Toddlers go through a grieving process that sometimes can last for years. There are often behavioral concerns. I also understand that toddler adoption can be the most rewarding. I have to admit that the ages between 2 and 4 are my favorite ages! There is just something about that developmental age that seems magical ( of course I have never had one live with me 24 hours a day and have always been able to hand them back to their parents) I feel that with my special education background and experience ( you should see some of the behaviors I have had to deal with) Clinton and I could really do this! We had our attorney overnight our resume on Wednesday for the birthmother to review. When I called our attorney on Friday the only information I got was that the birthmother has received several resumes and is considering them all. Drat. This is the part of domestic adoption I hate the most and one of the reasons we pursued an international adoption first. It feels like we are "auditioning" for a child. Talk about an inferiority complex. I am glad that we both have high self-esteem or this part of the process could really mess with our minds! However, after reviewing our resume I decided to totally redo it. When I did our first resume it had to be done very quickly - in a matter of an hour. I decided that it didn't sound the way I wanted it to. I thought more about what a birthmother would want to know and the "tone" of the resume. I totally rewrote it this weekend and am very pleased with the final product. I know this won't make a difference for the toddler adoption because the birthmother already has the original resume- we are still praying that this one comes through. But I don't know if I would choose us with the original resume. So here is my plan... If we don't hear anything tomorrow about the toddlers then I will make copies of the new resume and mail them to our attorney and have him discard the old ones. I really feel that if God intends us on having the toddlers then we will.

Well I have to run. Today is mine and Clinton's anniversary and I have special plans for him this evening!

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