Saturday, August 4, 2007

Still in Vegas

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. It has been a little difficult to get to the business center to use the computer. Mom and I are still in Vegas. Clinton had to go back to run an event this weekend. Aidan Kai is doing great! He has to be a dream baby. He is sleeping and eating well. He really only fusses when I have to get him dressed. Sometimes I even have to wake him so he can eat. We took him to the doctor on Thursday and she said that he is very healthy! Yeah! He now weighs 8 lbs 12 ozs and is 22 inches long. ( someone has to be off on the measurements unless he has grown 2 inches in 1 week!) Only after the doctors appointment he began projectile vomiting. I had switched him from liquid to powder formula the night before. I switched him back to liquid formula and that did the trick. He is now back on track. He is already holding his head up and gaining head control. I can't believe how much he has changed in only 1 week!

We were very hopeful that we would be clear to travel back to Ca yesterday. Our paperwork arrived in Carson City yesterday and was sent to Los Angeles. If there are no hiccups we should be clear to travel on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. I have to say that I really admire all of you guatemamas out there! We have only been in a hotel for a week and I am sooo ready to get him home!

I have been taking a lot of very cute pics. I will post them once we are back home. I will not post again until then.


Betsy said...

So great to hear from you. Glad things are going well. Can't wait to see more pics.

Still on cloud 9 for you and Clinton!

Lucinda Naia said...

Thrilled that everything is continuing to go well!!

Looking forward to your new pictures whenever you get them posted....

Betsy said...

So, what's the skinny?

sabrina said...

Glad to see you all are back home!!