Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Adopting toddlers?

We got a call today about adopting not only 1 child but 2! The only catch - the little girl is 2 and the little boy is 3. They are a pair of siblings currently living in Kansas and need a home. Adopting toddlers? hmmmm. This is something that Clinton and I haven't really talked about because we just assumed we would be adopting a newborn. At first I was not really excited about the idea, but the more I think about it the more I like the idea. Like I mentioned in an earlier post I know a lot about kids from teaching but very little about babies.

Of course I have sooo many concerns. The primary concern is attachment. Will they be able to attach and bond with us after living with their birth mother their entire life? Their lives will be turned upside down and I know there will be behavior and emotional issues. Will we be able to handle it?

I haven't read any books on toddler adoption so I am sure there are a lot of factors I am not even considering. I would appreciate any information anyone could offer!

1 comment:

Angel said...

WOW! What an interesting situation!! I had no idea this was a need in the US. Bonding with a mother is a WONDERFUL thing. A child who has bonded before can bond again. Soooo I see that as a plus. I haven't adopted a toddler but if you need some thoughts on adopting an older kiddo please e-mail me. Hey if you aren't interested I just might be!!! I would love to adopt a toddler. Now two is a handful but HEY! Toddlers are the bomb! Maybe!!! :0) Angel