His doctors appointment went well. The doctor says he is very healthy- Yeah! He had to get 4 injections and was a real trooper. He just whimpered a bit as I gave him his sugar water. This "trick" is the best. The urologist said that sugar water is like morphine for babies. The doctor said that he would probably be cranky in the evening - not our Aidan. He was happy as a clam and smiled and "talked" to us all evening. He has been doing this so much lately. He will talk and smile to anyone who will listen. He was actually up in the middle of the night last night "talking to his pirates and the monkey hanging in the inside of his crib. It was to cute. He is such a happy and content baby. We are so blessed and so lucky.
Below are some pictures of Aidan in his "aussie gear" . When his grandma came to visit she brought 1 whole suitcase full of gifts for him from family and friends.

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