On Wednesday Helen, Aidan and I met Suzanne and Jacob at an Angels baseball game. The weather was beautiful and sunny but not to hot. It was a Wednesday afternoon so it wasn't to crowded.The angels beat the Devil Rays 2 to1. It was Aidan's, Jacobs, and Helen's first baseball game. There was a very nice security guard who let us stay after the game to take photos and even gave Aidan, Jacob, and Helen a "My first game" sticker. It was a fun day for everyone.
Yesterday I decided that I could not stand my hair any longer and decided to get it cut. I had enough of finding long hairs all over Aidan and having him pull it. I have worn my hair up 90% of the time since we brought Aidan home so I decided to go short. After 2 years of letting my hair grow out it is now a goner! Clinton has not seen it yet because he is running an event in San Diego. We are going to visit him today but I don't think he will be very happy with it. However I love it and strangely feel very liberated!

O.K. mom I am ready to go to the Angels game. (Aidan is now holding his head up like this without any support )

Angel Stadium

Aidan stayed like this the entire game. He even slept through the fireworks and cannon fire when the Angels scored. I am beginning to get a little worried about his hearing because this kid can sleep anywhere.

No I am not going to wake up so you can take my picture.

Jacob however was awake the entire game and really enjoyed taking in the sights all around him, especially the cups sitting right in front of him.LOL

Relaxing at home after the game.

Dad, don't you know thats a Yankees jersey and not the Angels?

My new do. Aidan was a very good boy and strolled around the mall with his grandma during the 3 hours it took to do my hair.
Your new do is adorable! Love the pictures & it looks like you're having lots of fun!!
I love your new haircut! So cute on you! Mine is next. Either cut it or Jacob will have it all pulled out by Christmas.
We had so much fun at the Angels game! Jacob was out cold the instant we got in the car. Thanks for the pics. :o)
LOVE the do! Just gorgeous! And, I love the pic with Clinton and Aidan w/ the Yankees t.
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