There have been many "firsts" since the last time I posted. Aidan gave us a first "real" smile, he had his frist trip to the beach, attended his first Marshall University game watching event, he met his Grandma Helen from Australia for the first time, and had his first Disney experience. Yesterday was Helen's birthday so we went to downtown Disney to shop around and then ate at the Rainforest Cafe. We had a great time.

Aidan relaxing on the beach

We got to the beach just before the sun set and it was just beautiful!

Mom, Annabelle, and AK

Getting ready to leave the beach. Clinton calls this Aidans "tent"

Dad and AK

Ahhh.. feelin' the sand between my toes!

1st Marshall gamewatching event. Suzanne was there with Jacob. We now have a total of 4 new Marshall babies since last gamewatching season!

Aidan smiling at mom

Fill er up!

Jacob was born on my birthday ( Jan 29th). He is beginning to pull up on things and attempting to walk.

Lil Herd Fan with spit up on his shirt.

Relaxing at home after the game.

Aidan giving me a grin.

Downtown Disney.

Rainforrest Cafe

Close up of Aidan. It was really chilly last night.

Mom and Aidan crashed in the early morning hours. Clinton couldn' t resist taking this picture.
Glad things are going so well. I can so relate to that last picture!
Your pictures are great! I love seeing tiny football fans - woo hoo! Thanks for posting them & sharing how you're doing.
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