Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our boy is growing and hangin' with his Aussie peeps

Our boy is growing! When we took Aidan to the doctor yesterday for his 2 month check up we found out that he now weighs 12 lbs and 8 ozs and is 24 inches long! He has gained 3 pounds and 2 inches since his last doctors appointment! I bought him an outfit at Target today that is size 6 months!

His doctors appointment went well. The doctor says he is very healthy- Yeah! He had to get 4 injections and was a real trooper. He just whimpered a bit as I gave him his sugar water. This "trick" is the best. The urologist said that sugar water is like morphine for babies. The doctor said that he would probably be cranky in the evening - not our Aidan. He was happy as a clam and smiled and "talked" to us all evening. He has been doing this so much lately. He will talk and smile to anyone who will listen. He was actually up in the middle of the night last night "talking to his pirates and the monkey hanging in the inside of his crib. It was to cute. He is such a happy and content baby. We are so blessed and so lucky.

Below are some pictures of Aidan in his "aussie gear" . When his grandma came to visit she brought 1 whole suitcase full of gifts for him from family and friends.
Just kickin back hangin with my aussie peeps. This is just 1 outfit and the stuffed animals she brought over. This picture cracks me up because it looks like he is dribbling the basketball.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictures from last weekend

When we went to visit Clinton last weekend our photographer was there. He took these cute pictures. I am taking Aidan for his 2 month check up today. I have a feeling they will be sticking him and giving him shots. I am dreading this , but it can't be worse then when we got him circumsized. I am taking a bottle of water with a teaspoon of sugar. This is what the urologist had us do and it worked like a charm. I am looking forward to seeing how much our boy has grown!

Aidan's shirt says "Most likely to change the world". I love it.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Please pray for everyone in process of adopting from Guate.

The families in process of adopting from Guatemala can use your prayers. Our government is letting them down. After releasing a statement that basically said that if you were in process of an adoption from Guatemala that you would be "grandfathered" in and the adoption would be completed. A recent statement the government released stated that if your adoption isn't complete by December 31st that there is nothing they can do to help you complete the adoption. I think that is a bunch of bull! There are hundreds if not thousands of orphans in Guatemala that are waiting to come home to their families in the U.S. Some mothers are even in Guate. right now fostering their children and have been for up to a year. I can't imagine bonding with a child for so long and now being told by our government "sorry, if your adoption is not complete by December we are just going to hang you out to dry!"

Clinton and I have recently been talking about when we will start the process for baby #2. I still feel pulled towards Guatemala and have been keeping updated as to what is going on there. Last week I contacted WPA to discuss starting the process for baby # 2 from Guate. We now know that we will not start the process any time soon, if ever. I feel it is just to risky.

I thank God that we have our precious Aidan. He is truly a blessing. I know in my heart that he was meant to be our son. I guess only God knows if we were meant to have more children. I will keep my heart open and just listen for awhile.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The 6 thinking hats

One of the things Clinton teaches about is the "6 thinking hats". This is based on a book by Edward de Bono. People wear different colored "hats" throughout their day and throughout their lives. Most people have a tendency to wear the same 1 or 2 colored hats. It is when you can recognize that you can wear the other colored hats and see a situation in a different light that you grow. The hats are as follows....

Yellow Hat - These people are very optimistic and sunny. They see the good in every situation.

Red Hat - These people are very full of life and passion.

White Hat - These people are very analytical. They tend to be number crunchers or computer people. They love to analyze a situation.

Blue Hat- These people are managers. They often have jobs requiring they manage people. All moms wear the blue hat on occasion if not most of the time.

Green Hat- These people are very creative. They are your artists and musicians. Many entrepreneurs also wear the green hat as they use their creative skills in business situations.

Black Hat- These people are your Devils Advocate. They can see what can go wrong in any situation. ( They have a tendency to drive the yellow hats a little crazy and vice versa)

Clinton teaches that to have a good team in business you need to have people that represent all the hats. You can't have a person that wears the yellow hat all the time and doesn't think of the downside risk. Nor can you have a person that is strictly full of passion that does not to stop to look at the numbers. He has a very fun game where people literally try on the different hats and get to see situations in different lights. They are also on teams and have to problem solve strictly "being" the hat they are wearing.

Anyway, the reason for this post is to show you the incredibly cute "6 thinking hats" that one of our lifetime members, Erin Henderson made for Aidan. They are so cute! She is only 16 and a very creative girl. She made the hats "Aidan size" and did the embroidering. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Erin.
What "hat" do you wear mostly? I wear the yellow hat and the blue hat quite a lot.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

For Cara...

I found this vintage tee at Nordstroms and had to buy it. Of course it reminded me of you! Hi Cara! You like my t-shirt?
Yes, I think it is kind of funny

O.K. I think it is a total crackup! I can't wait to come see you. Oh and Suebelle thank you for my really cool striped quilt. I can't wait to see you either!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Aidan Smiles

Aidan is beginning to smile more and more. I still haven't taken a picture that quite captures it but here are a few I took last night while he was laying on my knees. He is definitely a charmer. He is beginning to coo and make cute baby noises. If you ask him if he is good he says goo. I live this boy!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

a funny story about Annabelle

Yesterday we went to San Diego to Clinton's event. We always have the events at the same conference center location and we always take Annabelle. She absolutely loves it there. It is a beautiful location by the bay. There are a lot of great smells there not to mention nice green grass to roll in and lots of people to love on her and give her attention. The conference center is large with many different meeting rooms. There are always other meetings and usually a wedding or two going on while we are there.

Yesterday when we arrived Annabelle promptly jumped out of the car and started to take off on her own. She is very comfortable there as she has been there dozens of times. She knew that she would find her dad in the meeting room. I was getting Aidan out of the car and not paying much attention. The next thing I knew I looked up and saw Annabelle prancing into one of the meeting rooms ( the one where she thought she would find her dad). I went chasing after her and walked into a meeting of about 40 CPA's. It was quite embarassing. They were all laughing as Annabelle had already made her way to the front of the room. I felt very sorry for the speaker. I apologized and one person said "It's ok its the most excitement we have had all day" and another girl said "oh how cute she wants to learn to become a CPA". It was too funny.

When I finally found Clinton I found him in a very small meeting room. The conference center had accidentally double booked and we were not in our usual location. It was very crowded and the students had to sit very close to one another. I had my second laugh at Annabelle when I looked over and saw her sitting in a chair and 3 humans sitting in the floor oohing and aahing over her - like they were her royal subjects and she was the princess. That dog is just too funny and to human like. She is a crack up.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Angel game and new haircut

On Wednesday Helen, Aidan and I met Suzanne and Jacob at an Angels baseball game. The weather was beautiful and sunny but not to hot. It was a Wednesday afternoon so it wasn't to crowded.The angels beat the Devil Rays 2 to1. It was Aidan's, Jacobs, and Helen's first baseball game. There was a very nice security guard who let us stay after the game to take photos and even gave Aidan, Jacob, and Helen a "My first game" sticker. It was a fun day for everyone.

Yesterday I decided that I could not stand my hair any longer and decided to get it cut. I had enough of finding long hairs all over Aidan and having him pull it. I have worn my hair up 90% of the time since we brought Aidan home so I decided to go short. After 2 years of letting my hair grow out it is now a goner! Clinton has not seen it yet because he is running an event in San Diego. We are going to visit him today but I don't think he will be very happy with it. However I love it and strangely feel very liberated! O.K. mom I am ready to go to the Angels game. (Aidan is now holding his head up like this without any support )
Angel Stadium

Aidan stayed like this the entire game. He even slept through the fireworks and cannon fire when the Angels scored. I am beginning to get a little worried about his hearing because this kid can sleep anywhere.

No I am not going to wake up so you can take my picture.

Jacob however was awake the entire game and really enjoyed taking in the sights all around him, especially the cups sitting right in front of him.LOL

Relaxing at home after the game.

Dad, don't you know thats a Yankees jersey and not the Angels?

My new do. Aidan was a very good boy and strolled around the mall with his grandma during the 3 hours it took to do my hair.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Visit with Grandma

Clintons mum is visiting us right now. Aidan is having a good time with his grandma Helen. Clinton and Helen have had a bithday since she has been here. The other day Aidan and Helen went to their first Angels baseball game. I will post pics of that later. Grandma and Aidan
Celebrating Helen's birthday at Downtown Disney

Mom and A.K. getting ready to go to Disney

Aidan's first baseball hat! Isn't he handsome.

This pic is for Aidan's cousin Melissa. Thank you Melissa for my cool skateboarding outfit! I love it!

Smiling at dad during his birthday dinner.

Hanging out in my swing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Many 1sts

There have been many "firsts" since the last time I posted. Aidan gave us a first "real" smile, he had his frist trip to the beach, attended his first Marshall University game watching event, he met his Grandma Helen from Australia for the first time, and had his first Disney experience. Yesterday was Helen's birthday so we went to downtown Disney to shop around and then ate at the Rainforest Cafe. We had a great time. Aidan relaxing on the beach
We got to the beach just before the sun set and it was just beautiful!

Mom, Annabelle, and AK

Getting ready to leave the beach. Clinton calls this Aidans "tent"

Dad and AK

Ahhh.. feelin' the sand between my toes!

1st Marshall gamewatching event. Suzanne was there with Jacob. We now have a total of 4 new Marshall babies since last gamewatching season!

Aidan smiling at mom

Fill er up!

Jacob was born on my birthday ( Jan 29th). He is beginning to pull up on things and attempting to walk.

Lil Herd Fan with spit up on his shirt.

Relaxing at home after the game.

Aidan giving me a grin.

Downtown Disney.

Rainforrest Cafe

Close up of Aidan. It was really chilly last night.

Mom and Aidan crashed in the early morning hours. Clinton couldn' t resist taking this picture.