Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm Back

I am very thankful to be back home. Everything went fine in West Virginia. The funeral was as good as funerals can be. We did have a little scene from a Lifetime movie at the end. We can never escape a family event with at least a little drama. While we were at the cemetary we noticed that there was a car parked watching us ( a little weird). At the end of the burial a young 20 something girl asked my cousins which one was my uncle. They pointed to him. He was standing away from the rest of the family talking to a representative from the cemetary. She goes up to him and introduces herself as "Jessica" his long lost daughter ( my grandmother would have been spinning in her grave). It seems that my uncle could possibly be the father of this young woman ( 1 of 3 possibilities) - only a DNA test will tell. My uncle had just buried his mother and she chooses that time to come and introduce herself? He was a little distraught and livid to say the least. He doubts if he is the father and is seriously considering a DNA test. Who knows maybe will have a new family member.

After my grandmothers funeral I got to spend a lot of time with my mom. We went and spent a few days in Gatlinburg TN. It was a very nice visit as well as some much deserved rest. We did a lot of retail therapy. I go back to work tomorrow - bummer.

There is no news on the adoption front. We are still just waiting very patiently and praying very hard.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

What?! If Unc really is the father, his dtr needs a little guidance re: the use of good judgment. Like, HELLO! Have a little sympathy for the situation.

Glad you are back. Hope your heart is healing.

RE: the adoption front-- what's taking so long for corns sake?!