It occurred to me that I did not have to stay in the house all day with Mr.Aidan Kai. Today I decided to venture out to the pool with him. Of course he stayed in the shade the entire time but he enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. Andre came over to do some work with Clinton and brought his kids and his nanny. Josephine also came to do some work with Clinton and brought her son Asha. We all ventured out to the pool and had a very relaxing day.

Mr. A.K. kickin back in his Moses basket.

Jenya holding Aidan. She just loves him. I think her parents are going to have to have another baby soon!

Close up of A.K.

Self portrait of Joseph and me. Now I know why Clinton sings the song " Baby's got Bug Eyes" everytime he is around me and I am wearing my glasses.

The beautiful Miss Jenya

I caught Asha offguard. He had covered his entire body in bubbles from the hot tub.

Marjorie and Joseph looking in on Aidan. Marjorie is from Brazil and has a very cool accent. I think she likes America.

This is a tshirt that Aidans grandma from Austalia sent him from Philip Island. I think he looks like a super cute "surfer dude" in his shirt and trunks.

Catchin some rays.

I had to throw this one in of Annabelle just because she is so darn cute. Clinton and I were laying on the couch the other night. I looked down and this is how I found Annabelle. She is halfway between the cushions and has a blanket on her head. That is my leg in the background. She was happy as a clam in that position!
He is so cute! I can't wait to get my hands on him!! Of course Annabelle is my first love! She is human...I just know it!
-Sorry...forgot to sign the last comment. -Cara
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