I can not believe how long it has been since I last posted. One thing about being a parent is that it makes the days fly by! I am really enjoying motherhood. I am finding that it is a lot like life in general with many ups and downs. There are sleepless nights but no matter how little sleep I get, it is all worth it in the morning when Aidan stares up at me and smiles. He still sometimes has tummy aches at night and I joke with Clinton that it is like gremlins have possessed his body. However, in the morning he is always such a happy baby.
We had a small welcome home party for Aidan last Sunday. I do not know what I was thinking planning a party with a newborn. I did not even get to invite some of the people I wanted to invite ( sorry if you were one of the ones without an invitation)I found myself very stressed out last Sunday, but thanks to a few helpful people everything worked out great. Everyone had a great time and at the end of the day it was all worth it. The downside is that I didn't get to take many pictures because I was so busy. However, thanks to a friend I was able to get a few. The pics posted are from his party. I still haven't downloaded the few pictures I was able to get with my camera but will post them soon.
Aidan was circumcised on Tuesday. Poor little guy! This is something that I do not care to witness again! He screamed and cried his little head off. He was in pain for a couple of days, so I just kept giving him Tylenol. He is healing well and back to himself now.
My mom left on Tuesday. I really miss her. We have had people in and out of the house
and today was really the first day with just the three of us. It was a great day! We went to Laguna Beach. We had brunch and then Clinton played basketball as Aidan, Annabelle, and myself strolled around the beach. It was a little cumbersome with Aidan and a "headstrong" puppy. I ended up carrying Annabelle part of the time, just because she is used to beach time being "her time" and I usually let her go wherever she wants to go. She now has to learn that we go wherever mama wants to go!
Annabelle is slowly adjusting to Aidan being around. She is learning that she no longer rules the roost and (gasp) she is actually a dog. Her jealousy shows up in the form of " puppy pitty parties". There are days that she does not get to go outside to use the bathroom until the evenings because she refuses to go outside unless mom and dad are there. She will soon learn that when I say it is time to go for a walk that it is time to go regardless of who is walking her. Even though she is a little jealous of Aidan she is still protective of him. She often looks in on him when he is in his Moses basket. She is wherever Aidan and I are at the time - even if it means moving from the bed to the rocking chair many times a night.
Clinton and I are looking at the possibility of moving to San Diego soon. He has close to 40 courses scheduled there between now and next March. We have many lifetime members ( and friends) in San Diego. Logistically it makes sense. Even though I hate the thought of leaving Newport, we could have a large house for what we are paying to live here. I know that it would only be for a couple of years and then we would move back to Newport. I love it here - it is my "happy" place.
I am excited that Clintons mother is coming to visit soon! She will be here for 6 weeks. We have plans to go to the Doctor Phil show. She will be leaving late October. In November Clinton will be in England and Australia for awhile speaking at various events ( I can't wait until Aidan is able to get his passport and we are able to travel as a family!).I am considering going to visit my mom and some friends on the East Coast.
It is 2:30 A.M. ( but the easiest time for me to blog) and I feel like I am rambling. I will go now and hopefully post again soon.
I am so happy for you and your family is beautiful:)
Yeah!!! "East Coast friends"!!! That means me!! -Cara
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