1. C. had his first experience dressing Aidan the day before.
2.C. had his first diaper changing experience the day before.( Let me also say that Aidan has a BM every other day and he was 1 day past due so I knew in my heart that Clinton would have his first poopy diaper.) Now I know my husband is a very intelligent man so I decided that the outing would be good for all parties involved. To make things easier for C. I prepped all the bottles and layed out 2 outfits ( 1 outfit for when he first got up and a backup in case he had a blowout).
I called from the Dr. Phil show and asked how everything was going. C. said Aidan was crying a lot and had pooped. ( a mother just knows these things in her heart). When I got home I found Aidan and Clinton laying peacefully together in the bed and my son dressed like this....
Aidan was a little cranky because he hadn't really been able to nap. I checked Aidans diaper to make sure everything was o.k. Clinton had done a great job changing Aidan! I took off the pants and put Aidan in his "sweet spot" (as I call it) and he drifted right off to sleep for 4 1/2 hours. With the exception of the pants mishap I think C. did a great job. C. and Aidan were both obviously a little stressed out when I got home but everyone survived so it was a score!
He is so adorable!! The pants picture is hysterical!!!! Pay attention Clinton!! -Cara
The pants under the onesie is hilarious. Glad you got a day out.
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