These pictures are in no particular order. Mommy goofed when uploading the pictures. Aidan is doing great. We had a rough night last night but he has been a dream today.He is so much fun. We feel so blessed. Bonding has been very natural and easy. He is already a "mommy's boy".

Coming home from the hospital. His first car ride.

Pooh Feet!

They made me ride in a wheel chair from the hospital room to the car. All patients have to exit the hospital via "a chariot". Since Aidan is a patient I got to ride for free! It felt a little weird.

This is his "going home" outfit. His newborn clothes barely fit him.

Where did we go after we left the hospital? Chili's of course. This is his first meal out. He slept the entire time. What a good baby!

First time Clinton fed Aidan. He seems to take the best pictures when he is with dad!

Aidan and his Nana.

Aidan and Mama.

Sweet Feet!

First bath in the hospital
K, Aidan is such a good looking newborn. Most babies look like rats (not that rats aren't cute, but you get my drift). He is simplly gorgeous.
Keep the pics coming.
hey kelley the pictures are great he is a doll baby I like what betsy said I laugh & laugh that is why I called Casse my little ugly baby. But of course she was a beautiful baby
He's beautiful! and is already resembling you & Clinton. I could not be any happier for yoy. You so deserve to be a MOMMY and Aidan is so blessed to have you & Clinton.
OOPS! the anonymous comment above was from me, Carol the computer dummy.
Congratulations Kelley and Clinton. I can't tell you how happy I am for you. You got the cutest baby ever, I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
So, um... how's it going? Keep stalking your blog.
He is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooo happy for you guys:)
Congrats and enjoy every minute of it:)
Awwww....I'm gonna cry!! Especially seeing the little striped pants with his Pooh feet! (You know what I'm talking about...) Isn't he just the sweetest, most precious little thing. Makes me really miss Jacob being a newborn. You guys are in for a real treat, just wait. Thanks for posting all the pics, I've really enjoyed your blog. Aidan looks cozy and adorable in his little whale swaddler! And you took him to a restaurant already -- brave!
All the best to your wonderful new family.
Still stalking... :)
Kelley, Aidan has your peaceful glow and Clinton's eyes! Can't wait to see you and hold Aidan in my arms. =)
I'm cleaning out my master bedroom so we can fit a crib there.
I am sooo exicted! Love you!!!!!
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