100 things about me. Just for fun.
100.My favorite colors are purple and orange
99.I am an only child
98.I grew up in southern West Virginia
97.I love the ocean
96.I have jumped out of an airplane
95.I love to white water raft
94. I love whales and dolphins
93.I have lived in West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and now California
92.I once thought about moving to Alaska before I met Clinton but decided I didn't like snow that much.
91.I wanted to become a marine biologist when I was a little girl ( really a dolphin or whale trainer)
90. I stink at science so I didn't become a marine biologist.
89. Although I enjoy camping- I couldn't do any "real camping" for any length of time. I must have a bathroom and shower.
88.I love shopping especially with my mom
87.I really love buying purses and shoes.
86.I "just don't feel right" if my outfit is not coordinated.
85.I am mom to one amazing Lhasa Apso named Annabelle
84. I have owned 5 dogs throughout my life - Boxcar, Charlie, Buttons, R.P., and Annabelle
83.I owned 1 cat and I am embarassed to say that I can't remember her name.
82.I have never been much of a cat lover.
81.I have only been fired once and that was from my first job at the age of 15. I was a receptionist at a beauty salon. I don't think I was mature enough to handle all the responsibility.
80.In high school I had a job piercing ears at Claires.
79.In college I got a summer job working at an amusement park in Charlotte N.C.
78.In college I moved to Myrtle Beach S.C. for the summer to work. I lived with 8 other girls.
77.I am a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority.
76.I graduated from Marshall University in 1994
75.People who have dogs that lack social skills drive me crazy.
74-50 more things about me still to come. Stay tuned....