We have arrived home safe and sound. Annabelle was very glad to see me as she went on a few adventures of her own while I was away ( but more about that in a future post!). Aidan was an angel on the plane ride home. We got lucky and had an empty seat beside of us the entire flight home. I could definitely tell a difference in Aidan on the plane ride home compared to the plane ride to Tennessee 3 1/2 weeks ago. He was much more alert and into checking out his surroundings ( especially with his hands) and required a bit of entertaining. As usual he only cried when he was hungry and fussed a bit when he wanted to go to sleep. I got many compliments from strangers and the flight attendants when we landed about "what a good baby". That's just mister A.K. for you! We are both settling into a schedule and adjusting to the time difference. Aidan was ready to start his day at 4:30 yesterday morning! With a little bit of formula and some rocking I was finally able to get him back to sleep.
It was good to get home to some warm weather. Although I love fall and it is my favorite time of year, I realized just how more difficult it is to take a baby out in cool weather compared to warm weather. I feel for mothers who live in places where they get a lot of snow. You would have to allow for an extra half of an hour just to bundle up the baby!
There was no apparent damage from the fires that were around our area. I just had to clean our bedroom really well because there was a lot of dirt from the windows being open for a short amount of time ( thank you Helen for closing them or I am sure it would have been a lot worse!) My car was also covered in ash, so I took it to the car wash yesterday.
I am glad to get back to my computer so I can post some pictures. Rather than posting them all right now I will make several posts over the next couple of days.

Mr. Aidan Kai looking cute in his overalls sitting on my moms loveseat.
These next pictures were taken in Jonesborough Tennesse. It is such a cute little town! It reminds me of Maybury on the Andy Griffith show. It is like time has stood still! It is about 15 minutes away from where my mom lives. We went there for lunch one day.